It is generally accepted that every adult Canadian citizen will contribute to his/her own welfare and the welfare of society through meaningful employment. Most Canadians attempt to find a job that will satisfy both their need to feel productive and their need for financial security. The range of occupational alternatives available for persons with intellectual disabilities often does not satisfy their personal or economic needs.
The Vera Perlin Society, in endeavouring to meet the challenges of unemployment for persons with an intellectual disability, developed within its structure an Employment Division which includes:
Our current structure attempts to provide the best ways and means to access community-based employment opportunities.
The Employment Division endeavours to support individuals in various ways, including advocacy and directional support, to obtain the services required to maximize success in the workplace.
W.O.R.C is an Employment Program for adults with an intellectual disability.
The W.O.R.C program is in the matchmaking business, matching employer needs with client abilities. Any good matchmaker is not only concerned with simply introducing two interested parties and 'hoping for the best'; a good matchmaker will assess the needs of both parties, make the introductions and then provide the support needed to develop a mutually beneficial long-term relationship.
The W.O.R.C, in its endeavour to match employer needs to client abilities, has many features which will be of benefit to any business:
• Ability to assess business needs.
• Ability to access individuals interested in a particular business and motivated to work.
• Ability to provide training and support on the job.
• Ability to provide special support and resources that may be needed.
• Ability to problem-solve should difficulties arise
• Ability to provide long-term support.
The W.O.R.C program is concerned with fostering a Person-Oriented relationship with business, one that is:
• Positive
• Enlightening
• Responsible
• Successful
• On-Going
• Negotiable
The Supported Employment Program aims to secure community-based paid employment for individuals with intellectual disabilities, enabling them to be contributing members of society. Support and monitoring are two integral components to the success of the Supported Employment Program.
• The quality of each placement is based on the following criteria:
• The work being completed is of value to the employer
• Not less than minimum wage is paid for the work being completed
• One-on-one support is provided to individuals to ensure that all tasks assigned are completed to the expectation of the employer
• Clients are matched with employers based on the individual’s personal interests and abilities
The Career Education and Exploration Program is a pre-employment skills program operated by the Vera Perlin Society for adults with intellectual disabilities. This program is housed out of the College of the North Atlantic (Prince Philip Drive Campus) and runs from September to June.
The primary goal is to provide a solid foundation to the world of work through pre-employment instruction in Resume Writing, Job Search, Interview Preparation, and Realistic Employment Goals.
The Employment Division of the Vera Perlin Society operates The Button Shop to create employment for individuals with an intellectual disability. All clients who work at The Button Shop have a choice to work either full-time or part-time. All work completed at The Button Shop is secured through a contractual basis, and the clients are paid minimum wage for every hour worked.
Some of the work completed at The Button Shop includes:
• Promotional Buttons
• Magnets or magnet nametags
• Candy Cones
• T-shirts
• Hats
• Office Overload:
- Folding
- Labelling
- Envelope stuffing
- Stapling
- Taping
- Mail preparationPromotional buttons are a large component of the work at The Button Shop. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of buttons have been produced for various companies and non-profit organizations.